I salute the people of Nairobi and the Nation of Kenya. And welcome you to Nairobi County. ‘‘The City Under the Sun’’.
The county has unique features, challenges and opportunities which we vowed to take up and tackle. Mahatma Gandhi Said “the greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated”.
The county system of governance has given us an opportunity to serve the people at the local level and I must say, it is a humbling experience.
Government formation enabled me realize the great human resource the county has, I call on all who expressed desire to serve the county in various capacities but were unsuccessful to join us in the development path.
I wish to thank my team of highly qualified professionals in their various fields who have agreed at a sacrifice to leave high paying engagements to work with me in a bid to serve the people of Nairobi and wish them all the best in their execution of duty.
We acknowledge that in the past the county has been faced with a number of challenges and My government seeks to improve urban planning and management in Nairobi county, Enforcement of Law, Provision and Management of Roads and Transport Network, Public Service Delivery, Provision of Health Services and more.
Health Services
Health Services pause a great challenge in Nairobi but through partnerships we seek to focus more on preventive health: community health education, nutrition, sanitation, hygiene and disease control. With the little available resources we shall staff, improve and equip our health facilities and take all measures to make them accessible.